Flowers Pattern Textile Hard Case iPhone 6
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Flowers pattern textile hard cover case for iPhone 6
Want to give your iPhone a unique case with a lovely fabric covering ? So, this case is for you ! In addition to its retro design, this case has a very pleasant fabric covering. You can not prevent you from touching !
Flowers pattern textile hard cover case for iPhone 6
Protect the back and sides of your iPhone from bumps and scratches with this hard cover case pleasant to touch thanks to its fabric covering.
Retro: The vintage look of this case will give your iPhone an appearance coming from another decade, ideal to please those who are nostalgic, antique hunters or collectors who are after an original accessory to personalize their mobile.
Colourful: Colours are good for your health! Give yourself a therapy with this vibrant case that will add happiness to your iPhone’s sobriety. Protecting it while adding a playful touch, it truly is the best of both worlds.
Fashion: To answer the taste of fashion-lovers with precise standards, this case echoes the last trends. To enjoy an iPhone protection that matches your style, and make of your mobile an extension of it.
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