Battery connector (internal cable) - MacBook Pro 15" End 2008/9
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The battery of your MacBook Pro 15 "at the end of 2008/09 no longer charges very well? But the problem does not come from the battery ... Then surely the MacBook Pro 15" battery connector at the end of 2008/09 is defective! To help you, we offer you another MacBook Pro 15 "battery connector (internal cable) at the end of 2008/9.
Fiche technique
Replacement rubber feet for macbook pro
Too much overheating for a computer is not good! Sometimes your computer reboots for no reason, so the processor heatsink must be faulty. It is for this reason that we offer this MacBook Pro 15 "processor heatsink.
This NuPower NewerTech MacBook Pro 15 "battery will do the trick! You are forced to take care of your computer every time you unplug it! At least with this new battery NuPower NewerTech MacBook Pro 15" 2008/9 , everything will work normally again.
Is your MacBook not as fast as it started? Do you feel that RAM is no longer working very well? This SQP SoDimm 4GB DDR3 1066 MHz PC 8500 RAM module will change your use, your MacBook will be boosted!
To no longer have storage space problems, let your Mac stop telling you that you have run out of space, we offer this 2.5 "OWC 250 GB SSD drive!
Increase the speed of the Mac, overcome the problem of storage space ... This 2.5 "OWC 250 GB SSD will greatly improve the quality of the Mac you have!
The latest software takes too long to load, your computer does not turn on as quickly as before. You can increase the RAM memory with this SQP SoDimm 2GB DDR3-1066 MHz PC 8500 RAM module!
It happens that in the years that go by, the MacBook Pro 15 "battery at the end of 2008/2009 deteriorates. Which is normal after all, your PC will not remain indefinitely functional! Obsolescence means that at one point, you will have to change the battery. And that's when we recommend this MacBook Pro 15 "Battery Late 2008 / Early 2009!
Flex Cable for MacBook Pro A1286 Hard Drive
Power cable* load DC-In Board Magsafe Board Macbook Pro ref : 820-2361-A
*refurbished item
15 '' MacBook Pro Unibody Fans - A1286
Compatible with models: A1286
Pack of 2 fans (1x left, 1x right)
Charging the battery of the MacBook 15 "End of 2008/09 became impossible! The power supply of the computer does not work well, and the information does not go to the motherboard. At least, with this new card Power supply MagSafe MacBook 15 "End of 2008 / Beginning of 2009, you are quiet.
Your QWERTY MacBook Pro 15 "Unibody keyboard makes its own! Some keys do not work, or you press in a vacuum. You can no longer make correct sentences because of the broken QWERTY keyboard. We are offering a new QWERTY MacBook Pro 15 keyboard "Unibody!
The MacBook Pro 15 "touchpad will allow you to scroll and navigate on your computer quietly, without having to use a mouse. This is easier to handle, and less bulky! With the tablecloth it will be easier to connect to your PC MacBook Pro 15 ". For everything to work properly, simply change the Touchpad + MacBook Pro 15 "A1286 (2008) cable!
More WiFi, and yet it is not the fault of the AirPort card? This surely concerns the twisted Airport MacBook Pro 15 "antenna. We are offering a new AirPort / WiFi MacBook Pro 15" antenna in late 2008 / early 2009! You just have to trust us.
No possibility of connecting to your home WiFi network? Is your computer often disconnected? And it even happens that you cannot connect your devices together because of a faulty bluetooth. Fortunately for you, at MacManiack we offer this AirPort Extreme card (WiFi and Bluetooth) MacBook Pro 15 "Late 2008 / Early 2009!